CPSUs Monthly Procurement Status

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Month-Year Monthly Procurement (Rs.Crore) Monthly Procurement for MSEs (Rs.Crore) Monthly Procurement for MSEs Owned by SC/ST (Rs.Crore) Monthly Procurement for MSEs Owned by Women (Rs.Crore) NO. Of MSEs Benefitted (Gen) NO. Of MSEs Benefitted (SC/ST) NO. Of MSEs Benefitted (Women) NO. Of MSEs Benefitted (Total) NO. Of VDP (Gen) NO. Of VDP (SC/ST) NO. Of VDP (Total)
April-2024 86.9500 30.3900 1.2900 1.1000 830 40 66 936 0 0 0
May-2024 108.1100 31.5200 1.0500 1.5800 717 38 67 822 0 0 0
June-2024 128.0800 39.0100 1.4700 1.6700 770 45 80 895 0 0 0
July-2024 109.0700 31.7900 1.3000 0.8100 743 46 43 832 0 0 0
August-2024 97.0400 39.4200 2.0500 0.9100 782 48 50 880 0 0 0
September-2024 91.6200 35.8400 0.6700 1.6200 685 55 97 837 0 0 0
October-2024 98.4500 34.9000 2.2600 1.0000 770 48 101 919 0 0 0
November-2024 178.3700 39.5800 1.3100 1.0500 705 41 68 814 0 0 0