CPSEs Wise Procurement

Financial Year

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Procurement details for FY 2024-25

S.No. PSU Name Total Annual Target ( in Crore) Achievement ( in Crore) Target MSEs(25%) ( in Crore) Achievement ( in Crore) Target For SC/ST MSEs(4%) ( in Crore) Achievement ( in Crore) Target For Women MSEs(3%) ( in Crore) Achievement ( in Crore)
1 CENTRAL ELECTRONICS LTD. 180.0000 228.9287 45.0000 105.4282 7.2000 0.1639 5.4000 0.4747
2 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPN. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000